An A to Z index of topics covered by The Highway Code.
- ABS see Braking/brakes
- Active Traffic Management (ATM) signs rule 269
- Advanced stop lines rule 61, rule 71, rule 178 & rule 192
- Active Traffic Management (ATM) signs rule 101
- Alcohol rule 68, rule 95 & penalties
- Animals rules 47 to 58, rule 98, rules 214 to 215 & rule 286
- Arm signals - rule 53, rule 55, rule 67, rule 74, rule 103 and signals to other road users
- Attitude rule 147
- Automated vehicles Self-driving vehicles
- Baby seats see Rear-facing baby seats
- Battery vehicle maintenance safety and security
- Bends rule 2, rule 125, rule 146, rule 160, rule 166, rule 231 and rule 243
- Bikeability (cycle training) - You and your bicycle
- Blind spots rule 159, rule 161, rule 202 and rule 267
- Blue Badge scheme rule 45
- Box junctions rule 174 and other road markings
- Brake warning lights rule 103, rule 235 and brake light signals
- ABS braking rule 120
ABS braking rule 120
- condition of ABS braking vehicle maintenance, safety and security
Breakdowns rules 275 to 279
- condition of ABS braking vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- at level crossings rule 299
- on motorways rules 276 to 277
- in road works rule 290
- while towing rule 98
- Bright sunlight see Dazzle
- Bus lanes rule 141, rule 142
- Bus stops rule 243
- Buses rule 223 and rule 265
- Car phones see Mobile phones
- Caravans - rule 98, rule 124, rule 160, rule 250
- Central islands rule 19, rule 20, rule 28, rule 30 & rule 195
- Central refuges rule 28
- Changing lanes rule 133 & rule 134
- Charging points for electric vehicles rule 239
- Chicanes rule 153
- Chicanes rule 102
- Children
- Clearways rule 240 and traffic signs
- Climbing/crawler lane rule 139
- cyclists rule 59
- drivers - rule 97
- horse riders rule 49
- motorcyclists - rules 83 to 84 & rules 86 to 87
- pedestrians rule 3 & rule 5
- Coasting rule 122
- Consideration rule 144 & rule 147
- cyclists rules 59 and 60
- horse-drawn vehicles rule 48
- horse riders rules 49 and 50
- motorcyclists - rules 86 to 87
- pedestrians rule 3 & rule 5
- Contraflow systems rule 290
- Controlled parking zones rule 238 & rule 245
- Courtesy rule 147
- Crossing the road rules 7 to 35
- Crossings see Pedestrian crossings
- Crossroads (unmarked) rule 146
- Crosswinds rule 232
- Cruise control rule 150
- Cycle maintenance/choice - You and your bicycle
- Cycle-only crossing rule 82
- D plates Motorcycle licence requirements
- Dangerous goods rules 284 to 285
- Dazzle rule 93, rule 115 & rules 236 to 237
- Decriminalised parking Decriminalised parking enforcement
- Demisters rule 229, rule 235 & Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Diagonal stripes/chevrons rule 130 & Road markings
- Direction indicators see Signals
- Disabled rule H1, rule 204 & rule 207
- Dogs (including guide dogs) rules 56 to 57 & rule 207
- Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) officers
- Driving, general advice rules H1 to H3
- Driving licence
- Dual carriageways
- Dull weather rule 115
- Fatigue rule 91, rule 237 & rule 262
- Filter lights rule 177
- Filtering (motorcyclists) rule 88, rule 160 and rule 211
- Fire Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Fitness to drive rules 90 to 91
- Flashing amber beacons rule 220
- Flashing signals
Fluorescent/reflective clothing
- animals, herded rule 58
- breakdowns rule 276
- cyclists rule 59
- horse riders rules 50 to 51
- motorcyclists rules 86 to 87
- powered mobility vehicles rule 43
- Fog rules 234 to 236
- Footpaths
- Footway see Pavements
- Hard shoulder see Motorways
- Hazard warning lights rule 116, rule 276 and rules 277 to 279
- Hazard warning plates rule 284 and Vehicle markings
Headlamps and headlights rules 113 to 115 and rule 239
- motorcycle rule 87
- Headlight flashing rules 110 to 111
- cyclist rule 59
- horse riders rule 49
- incidents rule 283 & First aid on the road
- motorcyclists rule 83
- Hierarchy of road users rules H1 to H3
- High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOVs) rule 142 & Information signs
- Hills
- Home zones rule 206 & rule 218
- Horses
- Hot weather rule 237
- HOVs see High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOVs)
- Ice cream vans rule 206
- In-vehicle technology rules 149 to 150
- Incident support vehicles rule 219
Incidents rule H1, rules 281 to 287
- dangerous goods rules 284 to 285
- documentation rules 286 to 287
- flashing lights rule 281
- level crossing rule 299
- warning signs rule 281
- L plates Motorcycle licence requirements & Learner drivers
Lamps and lights see also Headlamps and headlights conditions/maintenance rule 113
& Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- cyclists rule 60
- horses rule 51
- pedestrians rule 5
- vehicles rules 113 to 116 & rules 249 to 251
Lane discipline rules 133 to 143 & rule 288
- dual carriageways rules 137 to 138
- motorways rules 264 to 266
- multi-lane carriageways rules 133 to 134
- one-way streets rule 143
- roundabouts rules 184 to 187
- Lane dividers rule 131 & Road markings
- Lay-bys rules 249 to 250
- Lights see Headlamps and headlights and Lamps and lights
- Littering from vehicles rule 147
- loading and unloading rule 98 & rules 246 to 247
- Long/large vehicles see also Large vehicles
- Maintenance of vehicles vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Manoeuvring rules 159 to 190
- Medicines rule 68 and rule 96
- Merging in turn rule 134 and rule 288
- Metric conversion table
- Miniature motorcycles (mini motos) see Prohibited vehicles
- Mini-roundabouts rules 188 to 190
- changing lanes rule 133
- fog rules 234 to 235
- motorways rule 254
- moving off rule 97
- Mobile phones rule 97, rule 149 & rule 271, rule 277
- Motorcycle licence
- Motorcyclists
- Motor tricycles see Prohibited vehicles
Motorways rules 253 to 274
- breakdowns rules 275 to 279
- contraflow systems rule 290
- disabled drivers rule 279
- emergency telephones rules 277 to 278
- fog rules 277 to 278
- incidents rules 281 to 287
- joining rule 259
- junctions rule 266
- lane discipline rule 264
- leaving rule 266 & rule 273
- pedestrians rule 6
- places of relative safety rule 275
- prohibited vehicles rule 275
- rejoining the carriageway rule 278
- road works rules 288 to 290
- speed limits rule 261
- studs rule 132
- Moving off rule 159
- Narrow/winding roads see Country roads
- Navigation systems rule 150
- New drivers Penalties and Safety code for new drivers
- Navigation systems rule 150
- Night
- Obstructions rules 279 to 280
- Older drivers rule 216
- Older pedestrians rule 62, rule 204 and rule 207
- One-way streets rule 143
- Organised walks rule 5
- Other stopping procedures rules 107 to 108
Overtaking rule 135, rule 160 and rules 162 to 169
- animals rule 163 and rules 214 to 215
- before overtaking rules 162
- being overtaken rules 168 to 169
- bus lanes rule 165
crawler lanes rule 139
- crossings rule 165 and rule 191
- cyclists rules 65 to 67, rule 129, rule 160, rule 163 and rules 211 to 212
- dual carriageways rules 137 to 138
- horse riders rule 163 and rule 215
- motorways rules 267 to 268
- single-track roads rule 155
- trams rule 167, rule 301 and rule 303
- Paradesc rule 5
- Parallel crossings rule 195 and rule 206
- Parked vehicles
- Parking rules 238 to 252 and rule 302
Passengers, carriage of rules 99 to 100 and rule 277
- by cyclists rule 68
- by horse riders rule 53
- by learners Motor vehicle documentation and learner driver requirements
- by motorcyclists Motor vehicle documentation and learner driver requirements
- by new drivers Safety code for new drivers
- Passing places rules 155 to 156
- cycling rule 64 and rule 70
- driving rule 145
- horses rule 54
- parking rule 244
- powered mobility vehicles rules 36 to 40
- prohibited vehicles rules 157 to 158
- repairs rule 35
- Penalties Penalties and Safety code for new drivers
- Pillion passengers rule 83 and rule 85
- Places of relative safety rule 275
- Police stopping procedures rule 106
- at junctions rules 175 to 183 and rule 235
- cyclists at junctions rule 71 and rules 73 to 76
- cyclists at roundabouts rules 78 to 80
- cyclists on roads rules 72
- on the road rule 160
- Powered wheelchairs and powered mobility scooters rules 36 to 46, rule 170 and rule 253
- Preparation, before setting off rule 97
- Prohibited vehicles rules 157 to 158 and rule 253
- cyclists rule 81
Railway level crossings rule 34, rule 167, rule 243 and rules 291 to 299
- tactile surfaces rule 34
- Rear-facing baby seats rule 101
Rear-view mirrors
- condition rule 229
- in fog rules 234 to 235
- for towing rule 98
- Red routes rule 240 and Road markings
- Reflective clothing
- Reflective road studs rule 132
- Refuge areas see emergency areas
- Residential areas
- Ride Safe Award (horse riders) rule 52
Riding rules H1 to H3
- cycles rules 61 to 82
- horses rules 52 to 55
- motorcycles rules 83 to 88
- Road humps rule 53
Road works rule 35, rule 132 and rules 288 to 290
- contraflow systems rule 290
- motorways rule 289 to 290
- Route guidance and navigation systems rule 150
- Safety barriers, pedestrian rule 9
Safety helmets
- cyclists rule 59
- horse riders rule 49
- motorcyclists rule 83, rule 86 and First aid on the road
School crossing patrols rule 7, rule 29, rule 105 and rule 210
- overtaking rule 167 and rule 209
- pole positions School crossing patrols
- Security of vehicles rule 239 and Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Self-driving vehicles
- Separation distance
- Shared cycle routes rule 13,rule 62 and rule 63
- Signals rules 103 to 112
- Single carriageways rules 135 to 136
- Single-track roads rules 155 to 156
- Single-track roads rule 119
- Slippery roads see Wet/icy/slippery roads
- Slow-moving traffic rule 151, rule 163 and rule 288
- Smoking rule 148
- Snow rules 228 to 231
- Soft tarmac rule 237
- Stopping procedures
- Street/pavement repairs rule 35
- Tactile paving rule 10
- Tailgating rule 126
- Green Cross Code rule 7 and rule 30
- Telephones
- Theory test - Motorcycle licence requirements and Motor vehicle documentation and learner driver requirements
- Tinted glasses rule 94
- Tinting, windows - Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
Traffic officers rule 281
- signals and livery Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officers and traffic officers
- stopping procedures rule 108
- Traffic wardens rule 7 and rule 105
- Tramways rule 223 and rules 300 to 307
- Transporting animals rule 98
- Tunnels rule 126
Turning left
- bus/tram/cycle lanes rule 183
- junctions rules 182 to 183
- one-way streets rule 143
- roundabouts rule 186
- Two-second rule rule 126 see also Separation distance
- Vehicle Operator Services Agency (VOSA) officers see Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officers
- Vehicle condition rule 89, rule 97 and Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Vehicle licence Motorcycle licence requirements and Motor vehicle documentation and learner driver requirements
- Vehicle markings rules 284 to 285 and Vehicle markings
- Vehicle Registration Certificate
- Vehicle tax
- Vehicle Test Certificate (MOT)
- Vehicle Test Certificate (MOT)
- Vehicles
- Vision rule 92
Vulnerable road users rules H1 to H3 and rules 204 to 225
- priority rules H2 to H3, rule 8, rule 38 and rule 206
- Waiting rule 238
- Warning lights Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Water (on brakes) rule 121
- White lines rules 127 to 132 and Road markings
- Windscreens/washers/wipers Vehicle maintenance, safety and security
- Windy weather rules 232 to 233
- Winter driving Vehicle maintenance, safety and security see also Snow; Wet/icy/slippery roads
Yellow lines rule 238, rule 247 and Road markings
- criss cross, box junctions rule 174
Young children rule 4 and rule 7
- horse riders rule 49
- pedestrians rules 205 to rule 207
- seat belts rules 99 to 102